Wednesday, 10 May 2017

~ Position statement ~

I have spent the most part of the past 3 years trying to categorise my work and design towards standards of what I felt design 'should' look like. This year that has completely changed, I have learnt to work in a more fluid way which has allowed me to develop my own individual style.

My work is illustrative in nature, colourful and emotive in positive ways. I like to work on briefs in which I can explore multi-media outcomes - print, animation, digital & physical. I feel this drive to create work that goes beyond the brief and beyond the guidelines makes me stand out among the crowd. 

I plan to use my degree experiance and the skills gained through the past 3 years to pursue a career in design, multi-media creativity and art direction. I feel more comfortable than ever leading a group and taking the reigns both individual and group projects. Due to this new found lust for leadership I can see myself having a future in freelance work - hopefully leading on to the opening of my own design studio. 

My portfolio is at a place that represents me as a designer well currently. I have only included work that I feel expresses my morals and preferred working style. My main fear being that I could end up working within a studio that is really corporate and dull which is the polar opposite of the type of design I enjoy creating. 

My plan going from here is rather fluid but looking positive. I have been offered summer internships at Elmwood (Leeds), Alphabet (Manchester) and Music (Manchester. I then have an interview for a junior designer role with Graham and Brown (Manchester) who specialise in wallpaper & pattern design. And another interview for a graduate designer role with Strawberry Too (Hull); which is looking to be the preferred first job for me currently. I have also been in discussion with a creative in Hull setting up a multi-disclipinary creative hub/studio within the city; desk space for freelancers will be rented at a reasonable rate so this could also be a potential direction for me. Lastly i've been in touch with Hull's Humber street gallery about being taken on as an assistant curator - I have close links with a lot of local creative talent so this would also be a good outcome for me.

In terms of the future location isn't something that will limit me or my decisions. I am willing to go where the wind takes me as long as my creativity is not muted or pushed aside wherever I am working. 

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