Saturday 13 May 2017

~ Internship review ~

Internship review - DanTech Talent 

This internship was within a tech based recruitment agency as opposed to a creative design studio. It was something I wanted to experiance in order to know which jobs to apply for and which direction within graphic design I felt best suited to. This was a huge learning curve for me as i'd never produced design work within such tight brand guidelines - being told what colours, typeface, tone of voice needed to be portrayed throughout. 

For me this wasn't an enjoyable experiance what-so-ever. The office environment was rather intimidating and very dull - it didn't inspire me at all. The corporate tone of voice of the work I produced allowed for no creative freedom and I really didn't enjoy making it. It taught me however how to engage with clients on a professional level, appropriate ways to conduct myself within an office environment etc. 

I really did learn a lot from this internship mainly about the route I wish to take with my personal practice in the future. I most definitely do not want to work in house within a brand at all. It's too tightly bound and has too many constraints. From this I know to apply just for freelance and creative studio based work in the future. 

I have made a client out of the company and do plan to work on a freelance basis with him in the future - but only on small and quick briefs. 

Timescale - Date started 27/02/2017 End date 10/03/2017

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