Thursday 4 May 2017

~ Portable portfolio ~

When creating my PDF portfolio I considered layout in a way that it could be adapted into a small portable portfolio - to take with me to interviews and such. This is the final result, I am really happy with this as it gives interviewers and clients something physical and real in-front of them to show my work. 

One negative thing I found was that many of my briefs have used stock choices or colours that cannot be printed using CMYK so these pages do not look as effective in printed format. This just means that I will always be sure to take my laptop or a tablet to show my digital portfolio alongside a physical one so they can really appreciate the real colours and effects of the final products.

I took this mini portfolio to my interview with Music and they really liked that i'd considered doing a miniature version as they are so used to seeing huge a3 portfolios and this is really different and shows my different thought process and approach to design and not being 'ordinary'. 

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