Sunday 14 May 2017

~ past and future timeplan ~

September - November - Focus on researching studios, figuring out a way of approaching talking with them and what I want to say, contextual & visual research into self promotion

December - Make any personal branding changes and devleop a plan of relevent collateral, create a plan for contacting studios

January - Make contact with studios, begind with online self promotion

February - Make PDF portfolio & CV to show studios, make professional Instagram, begin website design

March - Finsish website design, talk about internships with stufios

April - Be doing or have done an internship, have all self promo done, print any self promo materials (portfolio, business cards etc.)

May - Submit PPP, have job interviews and be actively be applying for jobs and internships

June - Do internships and freelance briefs

July - Hopefully have a job!

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