Monday 1 May 2017

~ Logo design ~

This is my logo design from first year. It was created using the four z's in my name as I felt this was something iconic, simple and relevant to me. I made it orange as this colour gives off the vibe of positivity and brightness. 

In second year I took it further; keeping the same basic form but making it hand rendered. I wanted my logo to be representative of my illustrative style and the fact I like to work away from my laptop a lot of the time. 

I developed this idea further to incorporate other ways to show that I am multi disclipinary; a designer, illustrator and animator. This gif is what I feature on the ends of all my emails and within my web presence. Its simple and effective and just lets people know its me they are talking to; I think the simple fact that it moves makes me memorable in comparison to others who dont. 

I took this idea of using moving image to promote myself even further this year in creating an addition animation. The animation will not act as my logo or replace the logo but will be an additional part of my self promotion as a designer. It will feature on all online media and act as a way of saying that I can animate and hopefully direct people to visiting my website.

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