Thursday, 4 May 2017

~ Interview with Music ~

Today I had my interview with Music Agency in Manchester - to discuss my portfolio, so they could get to know me on a personal/professional level and to talk about dates for me to intern with them over summer.

This was a brilliant experiance as it was my first time going into a purely creative studio environment and I was so amazed by how beautiful and inspiring the interior of the studio itself was. It's brilliant to be around such a creative, open and free flowing space and is most definitely the kind of place I could see myself working and thriving in the future. 

I took with me both a digital form of my portfolio and a 'portable' printed version. I wanted them to have something to hold and appreciate physically but also my digital version was important as many of the colours and stock choices I have used cannot be printed properly using a lazer printer and can only be fully appreciated on screen.

They were really friendly and it was so awesome to meet other creatives as always. They said they found that my portfolio as a whole was really illustrative and thats something I should develop further as its what makes me stand out amongst other junior/graduate designers.

They talked through my 'misc logo' page of my portfolio and said it would be interesting to see some of the concepts even the un-used ones taken further so they could be appreciated in context. I talked through each one and it was great to brainstrom with them about how each brief could be taken further.

They were a huge inspiration and help to me in terms of advising me to take each brief further and really begin to consider how each brand could be translated onto different and imaginative forms of collateral.

They basically asked me to talk through each page/brief of my portfolio and I was really proud of myself as I did so with confidence and clarity and made sure to tell them about how informed each of the design decisions had been.

They said overall their favourite brief was actually my Nest 12 Planets/Space submission; they felt it was really bold and creative and expressed my vibe as a designer well. I told them how I planned to take this brief further into my Final major project and they asked me to send them a digital invitation to the end of year show as they would love to come see it!

I was offered a month long paid internship around July/August and I cannot wait! It couldn't of gone better and I cant wait to start. 

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