Saturday, 29 April 2017

~ Craft agency ~

Craft is a creative recruitment agency based in Leeds - I felt contacting them throughout this year would be a great way to get advice on my CV and portfolio and also find some direction in which jobs I would be a good fit for. 

I initially approached them asking if they knew of any internship opportunities in Leeds and this is the conversation from there onwards. 

Hi Izzie,

Hope all good your side!

Thanks for the email to the Craft site - thought I’d reply directly. Do you have a portfolio you could send over? 

I don’t specifically work with Internship / placement roles but, if you’re in Leeds I’m more than happy to catch up with you next week if you wanted, go through some work or your portfolio - if I can help at all I’m more than happy to - even just as a run up to graduation. I know what it’s like, I did the same course about three years ago!

Even though I don’t do any specific work with agencies for placements etc, I can always recommend some to you / you to them. 

Let me know your thoughts.


Fionn Andrews

0113 322 6111

Hi Fionn,

I'm currently deciding on which web platform is best to take forward in terms of an online portfolio & need to get a pdf version solid. But my online links are as follows ...

I really appreciate any help and advice you can give me, 
Thanks Izzie


Your work looks cool!! 

How’s final year going?

In terms of online platforms - there’s so many out there it’s hard to pick one, especially ones that don’t cost a fortune. I can ask my colleague Dan who’s far more tech savvy than me. But I would avoid Behance - in terms of showing your work when you’re putting yourself forward for jobs post graduation. Unless your website is super polished I’d say the most important thing is the PDF portfolio [as that’s what we tend to send across to our clients] - again if and when you get that done or you’re working on I’m more than happy to help if you need some fresh eyes etc - go through some layout / which projects etc. We’re based in town so would be easy to catch up with you here at The Tetley and go through it.

What sort of agencies are you interested in - I mean in terms of the work you’d like to be doing?

It's going brilliantly thanks, seems to be loads of live briefs coming at me. Just feeling the pressure and stress of trying to set myself up for finishing really. 

Okay I will get working on a polished PDF and website straight away, thanks.

I'd preferably like to work with a studio that does mainly branding and similar briefs. People who are quite 'fun' I'm sure that sounds very vague but I'm sure your aware of the masses of design studios made up of guys in suits. I'd quite like to avoid that corporate environment. 

Thanks, Izzie

Sweet, sounds good. Live briefs are always the best, could never be bothered with the churned out ones when I was at uni! Don’t stress - just enjoy it, it seems worse than it is at the time [easy for me to say now I know]! 

No I totally get it, no suits… I’m with you on that! We work with some pretty laid back agencies [in terms of culture] so I’m sure once graduation hits we can tar get some conversations going with some people for you. 

If I see any internships / placements come up on my work travels I’ll send you some links hey. In the meantime, if you need any feedback on portfolio etc just drop me a line or come over here for a coffee and a catch up!


Hi Fionn, 

Since talking to you last i've sorted out a PDF portfolio (which I will attach below) and an online one at

Wondered if you could take a look and let me know what you think?

Also wondering how early is too early to be applying for grad jobs and any advice/help you could give me in doing so.

Thanks Izzie


How’s things?

The online portfolio looks great - it’s laid out really well so makes going through each project super easy which is what you want from an online portfolio!!! 

The PDF version - unless I’ve missed it, I’m not sure you’ve attached it. But I’m more than happy to go through it and get some feedback to you. 

If you want to come over to The Tetley, in town, where we’re based let me know when you’re free and we can catch up and go through your work and moving forward with applications etc. Happy to help out!



Hope all good you side.

Just wanted to make sure you’d picked up my previous email. 

Also, I’m just sorting my diary out for next week - let me know if you did want to swing over to The Tetley to go through any work and have a chat about applications etc.


Hi Fionn,

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you uni has been and still is really full on with all the final hand ins being in a few weeks. Il attach my pdf portfolio to this email if you could let me know what you think? And i've made loads of updates to my website since we last spoke -

It's definitely getting around that time where i'm wanting to apply for some full time design roles in Leeds so would be great to come in for a meeting one day to talk about anything you know of that might be right for me.

Thanks Izzie


No worries at all - I know it’s crazy right now! The website looks good, super fresh layout - I like it a lot! I’m not sure if you attached your PDF portfolio though - unless I’m missing something?!

Definitely come in for a quick catch up whenever you’re free, just let me know when you’re about and I’ll make some room in my diary. 


Hi Fionn,

Thanks thats good hear anyway, should be attached now? and il be sure to pop by after final hand in.

Craft will be a brilliant first port of call for me as soon as I have graduated. In helping will applications and directing me into which jobs I fit best. 

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