Hi there,
I am a graphic design student (3rd year Leeds college of Art). I am currently looking at internships to expand my understanding and experience with live briefs and the studio environment.
Your studio has definitely caught my eye; so just dropping in to say hello . I wondered if you offered an internship scheme and how I would apply to work as part of your team?
Thanks Izzie
Hi Izzie
Good to hear from you! Love the email. We do offer internships, we’re scheduling interns in for around new years time, if that works for you? We actually get quite a lot of interest in internships so usually we put a bit of time aside once or twice am month and look through portfolios and then get back in touch if we feel you’re a good fit.
Do you have a portfolio we can look at?
Hey there, amazing to hear that you offer internships. I would appreciate the opportunity so much as I find your practice extremely inspiring; The Headrow House work was completely mesmerising. New year would be perfect for me, my dissertation hand in is the beginning of January so as you can imagine things are going to be pretty stressful up until then anyway. My online portfolio is simple and it holds a large selection of my design work (will be updated regularly) - http://izzieglazzard.tumblr. com/

Alongside this I have attached a PDF to this email showing some of my favourite recent briefs with more information. Really looking forward to hearing back from you, Thanks Izzie

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Just writing a follow up to make sure you received my portfolio examples regarding an internship and to wish you guys a happy 2017. The beginning of the year for me has already been exciting; with dissertation hand in complete and a new live brief beginning.
I'd like to invite you to see my latest (dissertation) practical work - https://www.behance.net/ gallery/47309049/The-Pink- Manifesto
And hope to hear back from you soon, Izzie
Thanks for following up! How did your disso go? I remember doing mine not long ago, actually kind of enjoyed it in hindsight (I know.. wtf). How are you? Sorry for taking a while to email you back we’re like headless chickens pretty much every day.
Definitely interested in having you down, you’re a standout for sure. One thing to note is our full time studio is in Manchester at the moment! Let us know if that still makes it doable for you. I think it would be cool to see how the way you think translates to our studio environment. Out of curiosity how did you find out about us and what about us did you like that made you get in touch?
Speak soon!
Hi Abbas,
Strangely enough I actually enjoyed doing my dissertation a lot (what is with that). It's also a huge relief to be free of it now though, as since hand in i've started a new live brief for a lovely little vegetarian cafe and been offered the opportunity to help curate a set of exhibitions alongside The Gallery (Munro House); so things are most certainly looking positive.
Brilliant to hear you'd like to have me down! Manchester is definitely doable for me, no worries at all. It was initially your work for Headrow House that caught my attention; I did my research and found out that you guys had designed the light-boxes. Since then I made sure to follow what work you were doing regularly. Honestly it's appealing to me to see a studio that has some personality and vitality! It's quite sad to see the creative industries so saturated by studios ran by old men in suits more bothered about statistics than creativity and positive messages. Your work gives off a really good vibe and it's good to see the support of other local independent business also. If you want me to come into the studio to introduce myself or anything just let me know, hope to hear back soon,
Ace! I like the way you think. Thanks for thinking were kinda cool too. What kind of stuff are you working on at the minute, can you lob some bits and bobs over? Curious to see
Of course, seem to have to much going on at the moment.
Firstly i've been working on the brand identity for The Zoo (vegetarian cafe) in Hull; as Hull is the city of culture 2017 they're getting a re-vamp. I'm currently just in discussion with them about the logo and type initially (they of course feel the necessity of monkeys and tree dwellers is extremely necessary). But then moving on from that i'm hoping to design their menus and a social media promotional plan leading up to their grand re-opening. Looking to produce some film/animation based stuff which should be nice.
I've also been working on an entry for the Starpack briefs; they are looking for a concept packaging for a healthy fast food packaging solution. I've come up with some smart hexagonal idea that allows for different sizes in meals/snacks and will work alongside a coded system (kind of a revamp on the traditional Chinese takeout numbers system).
And then Co-curating a series of exhibitions within Leeds which is going to be a great opportunity as the curation/organisation side of things is all fairly new to me.
Thanks Izzie
Thanks Izzie
Hey Abbas,
Hope your week has been good. Just letting you know the 'best' time for me to do an internship would be the 2 weeks commencing the 13th of Feb or alternatively the Easter holiday period.
Thanks, Izzie
Hi Izzie
We’ll keep it in mind. Sorry for the delayed reply, mental as usual over here! How’s things at LCA?
Awesome thanks and really good, everyone's on super stress mode this week though as interim submission is on Wednesday! Izzie
Hi Abbas, you mentioned meeting in Leeds before, but I am actually in Manchester this Friday is there any chance you'd be free to meet up then?
Thanks Izzie
Hi Abbas,
It's Easter holidays after this week (3 weeks off). I will be spending the most part of that in Manchester, just wondered if there was any chance in meeting or any internship opportunities within those weeks?
Also check out my new website - izzieglazzard.
Hi Izzie
For sure! I’m just leaving the office now but I’ll bring your name up tomorrow with the rest of the studio, or just nudge me tomorrow incase I forget. Would be good to have you in. And again sorry if I’ve been slow with getting back!
For sure! I’m just leaving the office now but I’ll bring your name up tomorrow with the rest of the studio, or just nudge me tomorrow incase I forget. Would be good to have you in. And again sorry if I’ve been slow with getting back!
Hey Abbas
Sounds awesome to me, let me know what they say! This is me nudging you, look forward to hearing back.
Hi Izzie!
Wanna pop in Wednesday morning? Or whatever day and time works best for you? Morning time works best for us. We can do it from 10am onwards. We have the opportunity to have someone in over Easter time, we don’t have anything booked in
Thank you and if I don’t hear from you before, have a great weekend.
Amazing! Wednesday sounds perfect to me, is there anything in particular I should bring with me?
Just bring a portfolio and yourself! Could be digital or print whatever you prefer
See you soon
Hi Izzie
Just following up! Wanted to ask if popping in for around 10:30/11am works for you? And also what period your Easter break is? I’m completely out of sync with holidays after finishing uni. Just have no idea ha
Thanks and see you soon.
Hi Abbas,
Sounds good to me. And easter has started this week and is for the next 3 weeks.
Cheers, Izzie
Hi Izzie
Ok perfect. Can we possibly move the meeting to this Friday if possible? Just had a look at our week and it may be better to have you in on Friday if that works for you? Or Thursday could work too, but I think Friday would be better for us.
Sorry for any inconvenience! Usually on Mondays we map out the week and Wednesday looks quite busy right now.
Hope that’s ok and look forward to catching up with you soon.
Hi Abbas,
Of course, thats no problem with me. See you Friday, same time I presume
Hi Izzie
Hope you're well, sorry for the Late reply this weeks been so so busy. Hence I'm replying to you so late. I think we may have to reschedule the meeting if that's possible, today is going to be mega busy as well and we will be out of office a lot of it. I don't want to rush the meeting with you, and not give you the proper time.
Sorry again! I can only apologise, it's my fault I should have let you know sooner. I don't want to give you a day again, and it fall apart, so I'll give you a shout as soon as I can guarantee a time we can catch up with you. Sorry again Izzie, as a small studio we end up having a lot of days where we're running about and it can be hard to keep on top of things sometimes. Ironically it would be easier with a fourth person.
Let me keep you updated. And I hope you have a great weekend, hopefully we can get you in for a bit this Easter.
Hi Abbas,
Ahh man that sucks so bad, only just seen this now lucky I've caught it. I totally understand, just hope we can reschedule for me to come in over Easter. Hey you never know I could become something more peremenant and help you guys keep on top of everything haha. Hope to hear from you soon, Izzie
Hi Izzie
Sorry again, I feel real bad about it! It’s been a pretty mental week so I’ll definitely try make it up to you and grab you a coffee soon. I’ll try get you in early next week, but I won’t guarantee a day this time till I know for sure! Would that be alright? I don’t want you hanging around Manchester waiting for us to confirm ha, so I hope it doesn’t bugger you up too much. Would be ace to have you in.
Have a lovely Friday and I might be in touch over this weekend if that’s alright!
No worries, il be around Manchester for most part of next week as it is so just keep me updated.
Thanks Izzie
Hey Abbas,
Planning on heading back to Leeds for a bit at some point as I've got some printing to get on with. I was wondering if you had any ideas on when you'd be wanting me in? Just so I can try plan where to be around it.
Thanks Izzie
My overall experiance with Alphabet was really just unfortunate - they are a studio that really stand out to me as somewhere id potentially fit in perfectly. It's annoying I couldn't be fitted in to intern over easter as that would of been perfect timing - but the promise of a placement in the future (summer) is still really exciting and brilliant for me.
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