Wednesday, 3 February 2016

~ Taking care of business - screeeeen manifesto ~

I find Snask a big inspiration as just looking at their work, website and manifesto you can tell they're laid back and comfortable with who they are as designers. This is something I hoped to also portray in ours.

The Snask manifesto consists of 10 commandments; I feel this is a clever way of making the manifesto less long winded and simple to understand.

My favourite of their commandments is 'just because you wear a black suit, doesn't mean you're a goddamn professional.'. I can really relate to this as I don't feel like constricting the way you dress is very creative at all and personally i'd much rather hire someone who looks colourful, happy and creative in their visual appearance.

 So for our manifesto we decided to create a similar tongue and cheek way of describing our values. I came up with the idea of 7 deadly sins, relating each to a creative aspect of our business.

Manifesto concept: Lust: I haven’t spoken to a real person in more than three days Gluttony: Putting Kale in everything Greed: I’ll have every coffee on the menu - I am going to use every colour in the palette Sloth: Netlfix and Baskerville Wrath: Overly twee design Envy: I really like that typeface, what is it? Pride: Posting work on every website possible

This is our initial notes for the 7 deadly sins, each one is funny and lighthearted but needed a bit of work to make them creatively relevant.

Lust: We lust over gorgeous, witty and well produced print, because let’s be honest, anything that has been created by someone getting their hands covered in ink is a good thing. We also lust over brilliant digital work. 

Gluttony: We have a massive appetite for inspiration, meaning we have to be constantly on the lookout for our next source of visual pleasure. We adopt a very free and open approach to research, idea generation and concept development.

Greed: We are not single minded in our creative vision or design process, allowing us to extract ideas from anywhere and everywhere. You could say this is greedy. We like to think of it as being eclectic.

Sloth: We are dedicated to producing work that challenges the conventions of contemporary visual communication. In order to do this well, we like take our time. We don’t enjoy rushing work that really excites us.

Wrath: We get very angry when aren’t being creative, because we don’t know anything better to fill our days with...

Envy: We don’t envy much, because we love doing what we do!

Pride: We are proud to be so diverse. Each member of the Screeeeen is an individual with unique stances and perspectives on creativity, which is what makes us so exciting as a collective. 

This is our further developed version of the deadly sins; they are much more creatively directed and tell you about who we are as a business. Although I do still thing they need working on further to make them shorter, snappier, more memorable and funny. I think a more concise manifesto will encourage people to read the full thing rather than getting bored.

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