Tuesday 2 February 2016

~ Creative report - questionare ~

I want my interview to be more like a fun and easy questionare that doesnt pressure the designer/artist into feeling un-comfortable in any way.

The book Wreck this journal came to mind when thinking about how to word/construct my interview questionares. The inclusion of areas for illustration and artistic expression rather than written answers is a fun way of engaging with the designers on a more creative level.

This is an example of the kind of spread included within the book.

Questions I will include within my interview publication are...

- If you could invent anything new what would it be?

- What is your favourite...
Way to cook potatoes?
Design programme?
Print method (screenprint etc)?
Flavor of crisps?
Brief you’ve done?
Client you’ve worked for?
Genre of music?
Type of dinosaur?

- Is your design process tidy or messy?

- What is your design nemesis?

- Either or section...

- Would you hire someone who specialises in analogue print methods?

I want to keep the overall tone of voice really laid back with the odd comedic question or note from me.

This is my initial design treatment for the questionare, its nice and simple. A combination between the header type that I have created using a brush pen then scanner in and digital type to subtly express my competence in both. The idea being to print on multicoloured stock to create something bold yet simple.

This link is to an amended version of the publication, I felt the more professional digital type based aesthetic was more appropriate. This can then be printed on interesting stock to engage with the creatives on a level they will understand.

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