Friday 10 March 2017

~ Thinking about employability (get money, get paid) ~

- Make a website
- Social media presence - Make a distinction between personal and professional 
- Experience 
- Networking 

1. Be open
2. Be honest
3. Don't be a dick
4. Don't be a dick

Exercise 1 - Start, stop, continue

Crit of online presence

Start - Getting more professional with 'image'

- Get on more platforms
- A Twitter account (professional) to engage with more designers
- Linked-In - try getting used to it
- More Behance - choose projects to show

Stop - Being hard on yourself
- Privatise Instagram?
- Posting selfies all the time publicly

Continue - Posting good quality images of finished work
- Working on making a website
- Working on Behance and online portfolio 

Experience - Give yourself a job & experience, work for a client, intern, be confident!

Stinky fish - Addressing uni/work based anxieties 

Networking - Research, watch talks, discuss their previous talks and work

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