Tuesday, 14 March 2017

~ Self promotion - ideas ~

To promote myself to the best of my ability I need to consider different routes including...

- PDF portfolio
- Physical portfolio
- Website
- Behance
- Instagram
- Business cards
- Prints/posters
- Other 'giveaway' examples of work

My first idea regards the physical/PDF portfolio. I want to create a template that can work both digitally and in print. I can then design a cover for the physical portfolio and add projects (as and when I do them) into my portfolio using this template. This means I need to use a binding method that allows me to add and take out pages freely; as you can see above using a metal binding strip would allow for this and still look simple and aesthetically appealing.

My tasks for this being...

- Create template
- Add work
- Download as PDF to send via email to potential studios to work with
- Design a cover
- Print and bind
- Send physical examples and print extras to be taken to interviews and studio visits

The next task is to get a website and 'online presence' set up. Squarespace is reasonably priced and includes templates created specifically for creative portfolios. It will allow me to easily edit and change things as I create new work with ease; without having to code anything which would be really time consuming.

A website will allow people to see my work, spread the word and get my name out there. I can also link people to it on the end of my emails etc. 

Next - Keep updating Behance as I do work but I need to stop relying on it as my main online portfolio as it looks un-proffessional. Its a brilliant tool for connecting with other creatives and finding potential for networking and collaboration but not the best for getting a job. 

Within the 'stinky fish' activity I got critical feedback about my Instagram usage. I was previously using one account for both work and personal things. I have now made my personal account private and created a separate public account just for personal promotion and design work. This is a great networking and promotion tool & a good way to keep an eye on studios and designers who inspire me. 

My next task is to create a design for business cards. I DO NOT want to rely on my logo design to show my style as I feel it doesn't express my creativity enough. Instead I want to create a design which is much more colourful, creative and expressed my personality perfectly. My logo serves purpose of looking professional when signing off emails but I feel isn't needed on my cards. 

Last year I created this print to send of as part of a personal promotional package (I will still be using this). But I want to add to this and create others that are similar in showing my design style and creative flair. Lots of colour, lots of personality.

~ Internship - DanTech Talent ~

I am currently interning with a tech recruitment/headhunting company called DanTech Talent as their in house graphic designer; working alongside another intern (marketing intern). 

As this is not a design studio environment and instead an in company one; this internship will give me an idea of a corporate working life as a graphic designer, the demands and such. 


First task - Using the current brand identity & colour scheme to create a series of images (with type) to be used for the companies blog and articles published. 

I used the brand guidelines to design a simple format in which any text or image could be placed with new articles written. I used an overlay effect in order to create consistency between and ensured the logo was clear on all designs.

I set up a template of the document with clearly labeled layers and instructions so that the client could continue to use the design even after my internship had ended. 

Second task - Create a presentation on the companies strategy and values to be sent out to potential clients.

This task was to create a visual presentation (scroll through format) using the content provided by the client. There was a HUGE amount of content which was really new and challenging for me to design with consistency. It was the most time consuming task of the week and constant feedback within the office from the manager meant lots of on-going changes were needed. 

Final task - produce an animation of the DanTech logo than can be used throughout the website and other online elements.

This task also took a long time to perfect - all fitting within brand guidelines etc. which was really tricky. But the final outcome is clean, clear and precisely what the client needed. It let me demonstrate my more 'creative' skills and let me show some initiative. This was my favourite task as it was much less content based.

Friday, 10 March 2017

~ Thinking about employability (get money, get paid) ~

- Make a website
- Social media presence - Make a distinction between personal and professional 
- Experience 
- Networking 

1. Be open
2. Be honest
3. Don't be a dick
4. Don't be a dick

Exercise 1 - Start, stop, continue

Crit of online presence

Start - Getting more professional with 'image'

- Get on more platforms
- A Twitter account (professional) to engage with more designers
- Linked-In - try getting used to it
- More Behance - choose projects to show

Stop - Being hard on yourself
- Privatise Instagram?
- Posting selfies all the time publicly

Continue - Posting good quality images of finished work
- Working on making a website
- Working on Behance and online portfolio 

Experience - Give yourself a job & experience, work for a client, intern, be confident!

Stinky fish - Addressing uni/work based anxieties 

Networking - Research, watch talks, discuss their previous talks and work