Friday 29 January 2016

~ Creative report - saying hello ~

For my screen printed greeting I want to show all elements of my personality through a creative illustration. I've decided the typographic element of which will be 'hello' it's simple, friendly and can be sent to anyone as a way of making contact. 

Elements of my personality I want to express include 
- Happiness 
- Bubbly-ness (i'm very hyperactive and it's something I often express within my work)
- Dedication, if I creative something quite complex that is clearly took a long time it shows commitment, i'm not just after a minimal quick fix design outcome
- Friendly/outgoing, hopefully my keen-ness to contact him physically rather than just over email will show my general approach to people and design

So after hours of work....

then a few more hours....

This is the final outcome! It's a detailed illustration that includes lots of patterns and a few cheeky stick men, even an Adele (hello, it's me) reference. I think this is successful in portraying my personality perfectly and hopefully shows some of the skills I can bring to people as a designer/illustrator.

The next step is to screen print it, this shows diversity of media and that screen printing is a personal passion of mine shared with Pinky and other possible contacts I may send it to.

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