Thursday, 8 October 2015

~ Creative report - OUGD502 ~

For this brief we have to research designers and studios that we personally find inspiring. This brief will be a good way to network with other graphic designers who already have a well established personal practice to help me develop my own. We need to then contact the designer of our choice and ask to interview them on their practice. 

What I want to get from the interview - 
- It's a brilliant chance to network with designers that heavily influence my own practice
- Get advice from them on issues i'm facing myself and hear stories of problems they've come across and ways of solving them
- A chance for them to know my face and personality in the hope of collaborating in the future or getting a job
- Publishing an interview with a well known designer online could boost my current online presence 
- Learn more about their personalities and way of working
- Learn good interview and people skills, the most professional ways of approaching and talking to other creatives
- Improve my confidence

Considerations - 
- Designers are very busy and often bombarded with emails so I need to think of a more creative way of contacting them (letter, package etc.) 
- How accessible are they to meet? Could we skype? Email interview?
- Are they okay with the interview being recorded and published?
- Avoid it looking like a questionnaire, a formal interview won't let the designer know your personality much but a slightly less formal conversation will continue the relationship between us a lot more effectively in the future. 
- Are they too busy to communicate with me?
- Has to be transcribed at the end 

Initial question ideas - 
- 1st question should put them at ease and be easy to answer for example, How long has the studio been running?
- What computer programmes do you use?
- What are your favourite materials to work with? (types of paint, pens etc.)
- If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?
- If you could have any invention imaginable right now what would it be?
- What's been your favourite project to do?
- Biggest problem you've ever faced during a brief?
- Can you doodle something for me? Maybe draw me?
- Last question - Have you got anything else you'd like to talk about?

Initial ideas for who to contact -
- Snask
- Hungry sandwich 
- Kate Moross 
- Camille Walala 
- Rob Lowe 

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