Wednesday 5 October 2016

~ Creative concern ~

Thinking forward about internships this year i'm looking into studios that interest me due to style, values, project focus etc.

Our ethical approach

Creative Concern is an ethical agency with a strong commitment to continuous environmental improvement and sustainable development. We aim to minimise our environmental impact through good management and by adopting business best practice and greener alternatives wherever possible, throughout our operations. Here are just a few of the things we are doing to reduce our environmental impact.
  • We calculate our carbon footprint and offset our emissions every year.
  • We are a Buy Recycled business and are very proud of the fact we achieved Gold standard in the Environmental Business Pledge scheme.
  • We have even developed our own standards for sustainable design and production. We call it Design for Life.
  • We have introduced low energy lighting to our office environment and use 100% recycled paper in our printers and copiers. We have full office recycling of glass, plastics, metal, paper, card, printer cartridges and CD/DVDs through Emerge Recycling.
  • We use public transport or walking/cycling wherever possible. We are members of the City Car Club car scheme for those trips that require car travel. The car club scheme is a greener, less polluting option that encourages staff to use public transport into the city centre and home again, whilst only using the car for essential trips.
  • We buy our energy from a green supplier – Good Energy. Good Energy is an independent renewable energy company based in Wiltshire. Good Energy’s commitment to its ethical values as well as to promoting and developing renewable energy in the UK has been independently accredited by the Ethical Company Organisation over the past three years.
  • We are a founder member of a European network of agencies focussed on sustainable development communications called DNS.
  • We have also developed a trusted partnership with Faelix web hosting, a local web hosting company with strong environmental credentials, that utilises low energy technology.
Creative Concern is an active supporter of a range of environmental and ethical causes. This has included contributing our time and skills on a pro-bono basis for a number of charities and environmental organisations.

I am particularly interested in Manchester based design studio Creative Concern. There focus on sustainability and ethical concern is something that stands out massively to me as a designer.

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