Sunday, 28 September 2014

Study task one

Study task one- Our task was too answer four different  questions about ourselves as an icebreaker to get to know other people in our class. For each question we had to list 5 answers.

The first question was...

Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you

1. Other designers inspire me, I usually look at others work on websites like Tumblr and Behance. I like to look at peoples work that is better than mine so it gives me something to aim for in my own work.

2. Money is also something that inspires me, I have a high drive to be successful in life and have the money to explore and travel.

3. Music inspires me because I don't think theres anything that beats getting lost in good music whilst your working. I personally love vinyl music as its fun to collect them as they are beautiful and sound great.

4. Paper and stationary is something that I find inspiring because a lot of the time I can go into an art shop and get over excited and just need to buy things and need to use them.

5. Artists that create art that fights a cause and projects a meaning to do with things like our society, politics and feminism also are very inspiring. One artist I find really interesting is YBA sculpture Sarah Lucas.

The second question was...

Identify and explain 5 things that you think are your strengths

1. I am a really fast worker, I have a drive to see the finished product and feel that satisfaction of finishing things. 

2. I am a very persistent, once I start something like a drawing I will sit for hours with a headache until I get it finished because once I have started I just cant leave it alone. And if I have a goal I wont give up on it.

3.  I can look after myself in that I can clean and I really enjoy cooking proper meals from scratch.

4. I am open to working both digitally on Illustrator and similar programmes and also by hand like drawing and printing. I love learning new techniques that can change and improve my work.

5. I am very determined to succeed so I know no matter how hard things may get I can always rely on myself to not give up on my future.

The third...

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the course

1. I want to develop my own style that makes me stand out from other designers and I think this course will help me to do that.

2. I want to learn and be shown how to create a career from graphic design and earn money from things like hand drawn typography.

3. I want to learn how to effectively use screen printing techniques in my work.

4. I want to learn how to use digital software better to create images, websites and apps.

5. Last of all but not least I hope to meet people who are interested in similar things to me.

And finally

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this course

1. Firstly the course is quite known for being really challenging and thats what I wanted, I didn't just want it to be a walk in the park. I wanted a course that would really prepare me for industry.

2. Its a specialist art facility so its appealing knowing they will be focused on having good equipment. Also its quite small and more like a community.

3. I know Leeds has a great nightlife which will help me meet lots of people.

4. I wanted to get away from the city I have lived in my whole life without being too far away from my family and friends when I want to see them.

5. I would like to live in Leeds in the future because its a very creative city and the course will be a good gateway for me.

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